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Tag: Supply Chain

LOG: Logistics Operations Guide for humanitarian logisticians

August 3rd, 2010 | By: Martin Arrand

Here is something very useful for humanitarian logisticians: the Logistics Operations Guide, or LOG for short, brought to you by the Logistics Cluster. But not only is it useful for those in the humanitarian sector, it is an excellent model for the clear communication of logistics know-how: succint, practical and well-referenced. Click here to go […]

Define “Supply Chain Management”…

April 23rd, 2009 | By: Martin Arrand

Here’s a great set of half a dozen slides that does just that. The use of freely available images is very neat, and the definition is concise but descriptive. Thanks to my colleague Paul James who made this available via his Linkedin page. Paul acknowledges his sources (a textbook I couldn’t track down – Ganesham […]